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13 June 2008

Creating Wealth From the Inside Out [prolog]

The free articles, tips, and lessons below share with you the mind states and habits of those who create wealth. Some of the lessons are practical, some are philosophical, and others have to do with changing your thinking. Creating Wealth is a matter of the Mind!

The wealth lessons are in no particular order. You can start at the beginning and go through them all, or you can pick the titles on wealth creation that interest you most. Remember that Wealth can involve money but doesn't always.

When you receive your Freedom Lifestyle program, you'll get books, audios, and even video tutorials on exactly what you can do to build passive income.

You'll read stories and examples from others who live on passive income either full time or part time. Creating Wealth is satisfying and fun. The physical creation is shaped by our minds, if you know how to start from the inner world!