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13 June 2008


Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream. [Macolm Muggeridge]

How To Start Your Internet Affiliate Business

In case you are wondering how to start "My Internet Business"-or rather your internet business-plenty of resources are available to you.

For instance, you can view the video series for beginning through advanced business users. You can also view all tutorials regarding aspects of business such as creating Pay Per Click Ads, Blogging, Classified Advertising, and Bank Office Functionality.

These along with information about writing great website content and press releases is very essential. There are a few different ways you can access this information.

Some of it is available for free via You Tube videos, or video tours on various affiliate programs that support their members with online business tutorials and training. The free introductory you receive can get you started.

However, in order to gain the full benefit of top earners you are advised to sign up and put your foot in the water rather than waiting until you feel you know it all. The reason for this thinking is because the internet is a moving target and new ways to do business are always being created. Not only that, but you will be officially be in business for yourself and you can learn and work on a part time basis of need be..

Learning how to start your Internet Business via free affiliate programs is much like taking classes at school. This formal training system will help you succeed online if you give yourself enough time to learn while not getting discouraged that the money isn't pouring in in the first month.

The largest difference, however, between attending a regular business school and learning from top internet Gurus is results. You rub shoulders in your Internet Business with people who really know how to earn money.

In addition to all of the above, you will also learn about Internet Business Turnkey Systems. This includes professional lead capture pages (new customer prospect sign-up pages), automatic sign-up pages, and video-guided web pages.

You will learn how to implement all of these tools in order to create fully-automated transactions. This will speed up the time you need to spend on the banking end of your business so you can continue to meet new prospects.

Your job in the business is going to be mostly promotion. The affiliate programs' professional sales material are the sales tools helps close all your sales. It is like you are an executive who has hired a whole team.

In addition to recruiting new affiliate member sign-ups, you also have the opportunity to earn money on individual products and services. These are the products are comprised of nutritional, cleaning, personal care, pet care, telecommunication products, and a library of business books - the same libraries that you use for reference.

With free affiliate programs you have the ability to create direct commissions and residual commissions.

As you can see learning how to start your Internet Business does not need to be complicated. More importantly, any time you have any questions there is going to be a qualified person to answer it for you.

Furthermore, you will have opportunity to make enough income to change your lifestyle and that is what you have to look forward to.

By: Michael Laleye

The Benefits Of A Positive Attitude

Two people look at a glass which is half filled with water.Are you the person who sees a glass that is half empty or do you see a glass that is half full?

We have a lot of choices in life. We can choose to look at things the negative way and always see the dark side of situations, or we can choose to be positive and live a happy and fulfilling life.

Why is it so important to live a positive and optimistic life?

Of course it is important to live a positive life, because it is so much more fulfilling. Optimism is synonymous with positive mood and good morale. It is also linked to athletic and academic success, to success in career and politics, to better health and longer life and moreover positive individuals are much more attractive to people than negative people are.

Now, I hear you thinking. The rates of depression and pessimism amongst people have never been higher than they are today, no matter the age group. These days it is affecting older, middle aged and younger people all the same way.

Although it is not the easiest thing in the world to change in our life, it is important to realize that being a pessimist instead of an optimist is a matter of choice. We can choose to be positive or negative.

So, experience how the self motivation tips hereunder are the key to change. Do some self motivation exercise so that after a while you acquire the necessary self motivation skills in positive thinking.

Recent studies have shown that positive people are hit by the same hard smacks in life as do the negative people. The difference is just in the way they deal with the pain that comes from these smacks.

Positive and optimistic people tend to be convinced that these moments of pain are temporary set backs and that these events are in their lives to learn a lesson from, so that they can grow, while negative and pessimistic people tend to believe that unfortunate events have an influence on everything they do in life and they are convinced that such situations will last a long, long time. Besides they either tend to think that such events take place, because they always befall to them, or because it is all their own fault.

Positive people sooner perceive these negative events as challenges or opportunities and they get stimulated by them to try harder. You will never hear them say things like: That is always happening to me in my life and it s never going to change or Everything goes wrong as usual and also this time it will definitely effect other area s in my life .


By: Ab van Deemter
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Ab van Deemter ( is a Personal Growth specialist and a spiritual person, who believes in sharing his knowledge of personal perseverance. He has studied metaphysics and other holistic methods for many, many years and embarked on a life of success. With successful tools for personal freedom he has made it past a life full of obstacles and now mentors and teaches business owners, their staff, his own employees, as well as a large group of private individuals.

The Benefits of Collagen

* Collagen is a protein that acts as a key structural component of connective tissue in skin, hair, nails and joints.* The inner layer of the skin contains large amounts of collagen which breaks down at a rate of 1.5% every year after the age of 25. The skin's surface becomes dull and lifeless and the elasticity reduces over time causing certain parts to sag and wrinkle.

* Collagen has been proven to be beneficial for the improvement of the elasticity of the skin aiding repair and regeneration of ligaments, tendons, joints and bones and improving the connective tissue of the skin.

* In the Harvard Medical School arthritis research on collagen, up to 89.9% of those tested reported a greater ease of movement.

* The way your skin looks is directly related to the way your skin is supported. Wrinkles form when the natural collagen and hyaluronic acid in your skin diminish during the natural aging process.

* Collagen provides structure and volume to your skin.

* Collagen allows protein to be bio-available and water soluble - meaning it can be absorbed readily.

* Collagen stabilises the body's immune system and helps neutralise production of abnormal molecular structures which is also known to be a major cause of joint problems and stiffness and provides the raw materials for cartilage.

* Collagen to works at its optimum level during alpha sleep mode when the body's regeneration and rejuvenation mechanism is at its best. Therefore it is best to take supplements 1 hour after eating and just before sleeping.* Drinking 1 1/2 litres of water daily helps disperse nutrients into the body and aid the detoxifying and regeneration process.

Collagen Skin Care products can give the face a dramatic boost, by simply replenishing what the skin is naturally loosing. This treatment will result in a natural younger looking face, and delay the need for Cosmetic Surgery. By combining a Collagen skin care routine with the application of natural ESCA makeup a much younger cleaner face can emerge.

Collagen Skin Care

Collagen has been widely used in cosmetic surgery as a healing aid for burn patients, reconstruction of bone and a wide variety of dental, orthopedic and surgical purposes. Until quite recently Collagen as a beauty treatment has not been widely used for household cosmetic makeup.

What is collagen?

It is probably more popularly known in the beauty industry as being used in cosmetic surgery, like lip enhancement.

Collagen is also one of the most abundant proteins found in mammals. Approximately one quarter of all of the protein in your body is collagen. Collagen is the main protein of connective tissue. It has great tensile strength, and is the main component of ligaments and tendons. It is responsible for skin elasticity, and its degradation leads to wrinkles that accompany aging. Collagen also fills out the cornea where it is present in crystalline form.

Without getting too technical about its chemical make up it is a basically a triple helix compound with 1050 amino acids in it. Superimposition of these triple helix compounds produces fibrils of collagen that can be stabilized. By doing this it renders the collagen insoluble, buy using hydrolysis the collagen can be brought into a soluble form resulting in Collagen Hydrolysates. Collagen hydrolysates as a natural biological cosmetic ingredient are isolated and purified using mild extraction or gentle enzymatic degradation. They are dermatologically compatible and free of all contaminants.

Why is Collagen Good for the skin?

High-molecular collagen is an important moisture retainer and is suitable for all skin types. It has been proven that collagens increase hydration, improve skin feeling and decrease the extent and depth of wrinkles.

Protein hydrolysates or wheat protein hydrolysate due to their film-forming properties, provide additional positive effects by contributing to skin smoothness and softness. They also have a remarkably high capacity for free radical capture.

With the busy lifestyles most of us lead now days, everything has to be done quicker. Doing thing quicker often involves cutting corners. This might be reflective in our diets, fitness, sleep, etc. Ultimately any one of the previous will have an effect on the skins body and health. By using a Collagen skin care product you can be getting the optimum nutrition to support the skin and body's health.

Change Your Money Beliefs

Yes, your money beliefs determine how much wealth you create. You can discover right now what your beliefs are about money. Read this little story to understand where your money beliefs and programming stem from.

There once was a tattoo artist in Singapore who displayed his designs outside of his shop. One of the designs read, “Born to Lose”. A passerby confronted the artist harshly one day and asked about that particular tattoo. The passerby said angrily, “You actually put that saying on people’s bodies?”

The old tattoo artist calmly replied, “Before tattoo on body, tattoo already on mind."

What money beliefs and wealth programs do you have running in your mind? Look at your finances and you will see. Do you want to change your money beliefs?

If you change your underlying beliefs about money you can be one of the next ten million new millionaires! See the Freedom Lifestyle Income Program and what the audios have to say about reprogramming your money beliefs.

Being a millionaire starts with the mind!

P.S. Just think of money beliefs like the old tattoo artist. "Before money manifests in reality, money already in mind."
Creating Wealth Lesson 3 - Set Your Ten Year Money Goals

Live Like Royalty

Royalties used to be earned only by Royalty. This is the origin of the word royalties. When the royalty (Kings, Queens, Princes, Dukes, etc) owned all the land, the tenants had to pay the owner a "royalty" each month for the right to live on the land and use the land.

The nobility never had to work for a living. They enjoyed a constant "income" of royalties that flowed to them month after month whether they worked or not! In these modern times, you can earn royalties from allowing others to "rent" or use any kind of property, including intellectual property.

A royalty is a payment made for the use of a property. You can get royalties from books, patented inventions, copyrighted works of art, an idea, a franchise, or a natural resource. You can also earn royalties by letting other people use your money. This kind of royalty is called "interest"!

sell hundreds of my books every month yet I still own the book! This is the magic of royalties, and why those who understand how to earn royalties get rich. To earn royalties, you must own (or create) something of value which you can sell over and over again.

P.S. Yes, groom yourself for future royalty by creating a book, idea, technique, or invention, that you can earn royalties from. Teach your children about royalties also.

Creating Wealth From the Inside Out [prolog]

The free articles, tips, and lessons below share with you the mind states and habits of those who create wealth. Some of the lessons are practical, some are philosophical, and others have to do with changing your thinking. Creating Wealth is a matter of the Mind!

The wealth lessons are in no particular order. You can start at the beginning and go through them all, or you can pick the titles on wealth creation that interest you most. Remember that Wealth can involve money but doesn't always.

When you receive your Freedom Lifestyle program, you'll get books, audios, and even video tutorials on exactly what you can do to build passive income.

You'll read stories and examples from others who live on passive income either full time or part time. Creating Wealth is satisfying and fun. The physical creation is shaped by our minds, if you know how to start from the inner world!


You may have heard in the news that a couple of Post Offices in Texas have been forced to take down small posters that say "IN GOD WE TRUST." The law, they say, is being violated. It is something silly about electioneering posters (is God running for office)? Anyway, someone proposed on a radio station show, that we all write "IN GOD WE TRUST" on the back of all our mail. After all, that is our national motto, and it's on all the money we use to buy those stamps. It is a wonderful idea. We must take back our nation from all the people who think that anything that offends them should be removed.If you like this idea, please pass it on and DO IT. The idea of writing or stamping "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our envelopes sounds good.It has been reported that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, it is very hard to understand why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the pledge of Allegiance. Could it be that we just need to take action

Internet Wisdom

This page presents those e-mail and internet stories and pearls of wisdom we are lead to that make us stop and reflect on the power of our lord -- messages that make us stop and think. While we may not all agree with everything in them, at least by pausing and reflecting on these texts, hopefully we can grow in our relationship with God. We'll be adding items as we find them in e-mails and on the "net." Take a look and see what you think.

Acne treatment

Anyone who suffer with acne (Zitsa) may feel as if they spend most of their time looking for resources; although it certainly causes distress, a number of topics are available resources.
Because of the widespread nature of this condition, scientific research in this field is intense, and the outcome of this effort is an increasing range of effective treatments. Although the number of acne products for skin care and treatments at first might seem endless, which can be categorized into three areas:
* Preventive: creams, lotions, etc. to help clean and skin tone
* Pharmacy or Internet: The treatments that do not require a prescription
* Prescription only: Requires visit to the doctor
General preventive or acne products make up a large portion of the market for skin care, these products can be of any type of skin cleansing to remove makeup. Many people these days use product like this to keep your skin, often that is, whether or not there is a problem condition. Other acne products for skin care, skin as cleaning, for example, are more specific about their work, but are formulated to reduce and limit the amount of oil into the pores of our skin. These products for skin care are designed to prevent this from happening.
Exfoliated skin pela have proved very effective as a treatment for skin care and control the problem, which can be bought easily at the counter or on the Internet. Dead skin cells and other air pollutants are removed pore cleansing that reduce the ability of any bacterial growth. There are specialized acne skin care products available nonprescription, which do not require the need for a prescription. The treatments are effective ingredients that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, these ingredients are used to remove additional oil in the pores of the skin.
It is often a good idea to start with a product that has a lesser concentration of benzoyl peroxide (for example, 5 percent) to see how the skin responds, this includes an alternative to products containing alpha hydroxy acid. You might have to try some different creams or lotions before finding acne skin care product that is effective for skin that is, unless you use is effective then talk to your dermatologist for advice. If you need to see your doctor or specialist in skin care then he can give a prescription for antibiotics or special ointments.
In the most serious cases of its specialist skin care may decide that a small surgical procedure can be used to remove oil and the infection of their pores; specialists recommend the sufferer never tries themselves, as they may cause permanent skin damage. Hormonal treatment might be suggested as hormonal changes can cause skin problems, studies show that hormone skin care treatments based on often prove effective. With all available treatments, fighting acne is not difficult because there are many new products available to help.


There exist limitless opportunities in every industry, where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier. [Charles F. Kettering].
Sooner or later, every business man has his big opportunities to achieve big successes. He must be able to recognize them when they present themselves, and he must also possess imagination, ability and willingness to work hard - the elements needed to make the most of his opportunities. [J. P. Getty]
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Entrepreneur are simple. Those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.
[Victor Kiam].
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